
Urbani izziv Leto 23, št. supplement, julij 2012 : S126–S134

doi: 10.5379/urbani-izziv-en-2012-23-supplement-1-012


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Brita Hermelin

Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

Kristina Trygg

Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


Naslov članka

New Geographies of Work: A Case Study from Sweden



This paper describes and analyses the geography of work, i.e., the spatial patterns in where paid work is done. The geography of work may diverge from the geography of employment when paid work is done at the premises of client organizations, during commuting, on business trips, on external meetings, at home or at other places. The particular patterns in the geography of work depend on a number of factors, possibilities and constraints. The paper takes its point of departure from the debate about how structural economic changes resulting from evolving service industries and the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) entail new forms for the organization of paid work. Flexibility, reflexivity, flows and places are key concepts. The paper presents a case study from Stockholm that takes a workplace perspective and looks at knowledge-intensive work in a public sector organization. The empirical study analyses data from interviews, time diaries and a questionnaire. We analyse how the geography of work is the result of negotiations between different parties and in different arenas, and how this spatial pattern is the result of the character of work tasks and accessibility of ICT support. The discussion illustrates a complex picture of the coexistence of spatial fix and spatial flexibility, and how this may cause tensions but also convenient solutions for organizing and conducting paid work.


Ključne besede

geography of work, professional work, ICT






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